CPP Benefits Increase 2024 – How Much CPP Benefits Will You Get in 2024?

CPP Benefits Increase The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) provides a monthly taxable benefit to supplement retirement income. While the average age for CPP payout in Canada is 65, individuals can choose to start collecting benefits at 60 or delay until age 70. The maximum 2024 CPP payout at age 65 is $1,364.60, but the average payout is lower than $1,000, as reported by the Government of Canada. It’s important for retirees to seek additional sources of passive income to support their retirement lifestyle, as CPP alone may not be sufficient. The CPP aims to offer retired Canadians a dependable income, and both the MPE and CPP contribution amounts have increased in recent years. Explore the potential impact of the 2024 CPP Increase on your income and retirement savings by reading further.

CPP Benefits Increase 2024

In 2024, the maximum pensionable earnings (MPE) under the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) will increase from $66,600 in 2023 to $68,500. Additionally, a new earnings maximum of $73,200 will be introduced for calculating second supplementary CPP contributions (CPP2). Both employer and employee CPP contribution rates will remain at 5.95%, with a maximum contribution per person of $3,867.50. The contribution rate for self-employed persons (SEP) will also remain at 11.90%, with a maximum contribution of $7,735.00. These adjustments aim to provide retirees with greater financial stability and support their overall well-being in retirement.

About CPP Benefits Increase 2024

Retirees in Canada can expect to have more financial stability with the rise in the MPE (maximum pensionable earnings) under the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) starting in 2024. The MPE will increase from $66,600 in 2023 to $68,500 this year, providing a higher maximum amount of earnings that can be used to calculate CPP benefits. This means that those who contribute more towards CPP during their working years will receive a higher pension in retirement. The increase in MPE is part of the government’s efforts to improve retirement income security and ensure that retirees have adequate income support during their golden years.

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Canada Pension Plan increases 2024 Explained

The Canadian Pension Plan’s inflation index has been improved by the federal government to better align a retiree’s income with the increasing cost of living. Since 2019, there have been annual increases in CPP contributions, and a new supplementary contribution requirement called the increased MPE will be implemented in 2024. These changes are expected to result in up to 50% more CPP benefit income for employees retiring in around 40 years, primarily benefiting younger individuals. Experts estimate that the average retirement age was 65 in 2023.

CPP Payment 2024 Eligibility

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is a government initiative with a contribution plan based on earnings. Its purpose is to safeguard the contributor and their family from income reduction resulting from retirement, disability, or death. To qualify for benefits from the Canada Pension Plan, all the specified conditions must be met.

  • The minimal age to be eligible is thirty days older than 59.
  • Both working in Canada for a predetermined period of time and making at least one CPP-qualifying contribution are prerequisites.
  • If, after turning 65, you plan to retire soon, you apply after turning 64 so that you can begin collecting CPP payments within a year.

CPP Benefits Increase

CPP Payments 2024

The table below showcases not only the average amount for new recipients but also the maximum monthly CPP payment amounts for 2024. It is essential to note that these figures are subject to change due to various factors, including inflation and government policies. The maximum monthly CPP payment amounts can vary depending on several factors, such as the number of years you contributed to the CPP, your retirement age, and your average earnings over your work life. Moreover, it is vital to keep track of your CPP contributions throughout your career to ensure that you receive the maximum benefits possible.

Benefit Type AM for new CPP beneficiaries (Jan 2024) MPA (2024)
Retirement pension (at age 65) CAD 758.32 $1,364.60
Disability benefit CAD 1,127.30 $1,606.78
SP – younger than 65 $498.66 $739.31
SP – 65 and older $315.77 $818.76
Death benefit (OTP) $2,500 $2,500
Combined benefits
Combined survivor’s and RP (at age 65) CAD 944.53 CAD 1,375.41
CSP and disability benefit $1,230.33 $1,613.54

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Changes to CPP deductions starting in 2024

  • Starting in January 2024, middle-class workers will contribute a higher proportion of their pay to the Canada Pension Plan. In 2019, the CPP and the Quebec Pension Plan began implementing enhanced benefits to provide greater financial assistance to Canadians during retirement.
  • The employer’s matching contribution and employee contributions have typically risen up to this point. Consequently, Canadians will see their pension benefits grow gradually once they start receiving them.
  • A second earnings cap will be introduced to the CPP in 2024, which means additional payroll deductions for those exceeding a specific threshold. Previously, contributions were limited to a gradually increasing maximum for earners above CAD 3,500, with self-employed individuals responsible for both employer and employee contributions.
  • As of this year, the enhanced pension scheme has two wage caps. Workers in the first tier contribute a portion of their earnings to the CPP, as in the previous system, up to a government-defined limit (CAD 68,500 in 2024). The current contribution rates for those earning that amount or less will stay the same.

What is the maximum CPP benefit?

The maximum annual CPP retirement benefit is $15,679 as of 2024. If you don’t qualify for the maximum, enter the percentage here. Your breakeven age is 75. If you don’t expect to live past 75, you may be better off taking CPP benefits at age 60.


The increase in CPP benefits in 2024 is good news for Canadians who rely on these benefits for their retirement income. With the cost of living continually rising, it’s important that CPP benefits keep pace to provide retirees with a comfortable standard of living. The specific amount of the increase will depend on various factors such as your contributions and years of participation in the CPP. To find out how much CPP benefits you will receive in 2024, be sure to consult the official CPP website or contact the relevant authorities. Planning for your retirement is crucial, and understanding your CPP benefits is an essential part of that process.

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